Çin’i Güneydoğu Asya’ya Bağlayan Kent: Kunming

Çin Kamu Diplomasisi Derneği’nin düzenlediği Çin gezisinin ikinci ayağında ülkenin güneyinde yer alan Yunnan eyaletinin başkenti Kunming’e geldik. 48 milyon nüfusa sahip olan Yunnan’da yaklaşık 7 milyon kişi Kunming’de yaşıyor. Yunnan’ın en büyük özelliklerinden birisi ise 26 farklı etnik gruba ev sahipliği yapıyor olması. Yunnan etnik çeşitlilik açısından Çin’in en zengin bölgesi. Ekonomiye baktığımızda, Yunnan’ın…

Were Trade Remedies of Turkey Satisfactory In 2016? – A Statistical and Legal Overview

1. Introduction For the past few years, Turkey has tended to use various trade remedy tools more frequently, thus the number of investigations increases in depth and breadth with the aim of supporting domestic industry through its protectionist approach. Whilst ranked seventh among 43 WTO members as user of anti-dumping measures between 1995 and 2014,…

EC vs Turkey in Compliance With WTO Rules: Dumping Exports To The EU and Restricting Imports from The EU?

1. Introduction The European Commission (“Commission”), being quiet active between the last week of June and first week of July 2017, initiated trade remedy investigations (i.e. anti-dumping and expiry review) against various countries, including Turkey. In particular, the Commission launched an anti-dumping investigation concerning Turkey’s exports to the EU and a trade barrier examination concerning…

Anti-Dumping Measures in The Course of July 2017: What Has The Turkish Ministry Of Economy To Say?

1. Introduction The Turkish Ministry of Economy (“Ministry”) frequently intervenes in cases where imports take place at the expense of domestic industry. This focus on foreign firms exporting to Turkey often leads the Ministry to adopt trade barriers, such as the so-called anti-dumping measures or safeguard measures. We thus have chosen to highlight communiqués and…

Is “Lesser Duty Rule” A Tightrope Walker’s Pole in International Trade Remedies Law of Turkey?

1. Introduction The recent developments in the case law have led the trade remedy law practitioners to bring the Turkish Ministry of Economy’s (“Ministry”) approach towards the implementation of the “lesser duty rule” to their agenda. There are deep concerns and raising voices of the interested stakeholders from both sides (domestic industry and foreign traders)…

Turkey Imposes Safeguard Measures on Toothbrushes: Healthy Markets Healthier Teeth

Upon the complaint submitted by the largest national producer of toothbrushes, the Turkish Ministry of Economy examined the import volume of such product and determined that the product subject to investigation is being dumped on the Turkish market. On 22.04.2017 the Turkish Ministry of the Economy (“Ministry”) launched an investigation against the imported toothbrushes (classified…