We, Reanda Turkey commit to

- Developing realistic and practical solutions to client problems
- Acting in the clients best interests at all times,
- Rendering impartial, factually-based, independent advice,
- Accepting only those client engagements they are qualified to perform,
- Behaving with integrity and professionalism at all times,
- Agreeing with the client in advance on the basis for their professional fees,
- Safeguarding confidential information
We will disclose at the earliest opportunity any special relationships, circumstances or business interests which might influence or impair, or could be seen by the client or others to influence or impair, our judgment or objectivity on a particular assignment.
We will prior disclose of all relevant personal, financial or other business interests which could not be inferred from the description of the services offered.
In particular this relates to:
- Any directorship or controlling interest in any business in competition with the client;
- Any financial interest in goods or services recommended or supplied to the client;
- Any personal relationship with any individual in the client’s employ;
- Any personal investment in the client organization or in its parent or any subsidiary companies;
- Any recent or current engagements in sensitive areas of work with directly competitive clients;
- Any work for a third party on the opposite side of a transaction, work for the regulator and the regulated, assessing the compliance performance of an existing client.
Conflicts of Interest
We, in publicizing work or making representations to a client, shall ensure that the information given is factual and relevant; is neither misleading nor unfair to others; is not otherwise discreditable to the profession.
Privacy of Information
We shall not use any confidential information about a client’s affairs, elicited during the course of an assignment, for personal benefit or for the benefit of others outside the client organization; there shall be no insider dealing or trading as legally defined or understood.
We will advise the client of any significant reservations we may have about the clients expectation of benefits from an engagement.
Professional Obligations to Others
We shall have respect for the professional obligations and qualifications of all others with whom the we work.